The sun is shining, you were able to finish work on time today, and your best friend is at the stable with you - perfect conditions for an extensive ride! Just getting out, letting your soul wander, and taking advantage of a few long gallops.

Reacting calmly in everyday situations
You would prefer to saddle up your old gelding - with him, you know everything will go smoothly. But your young mare also needs her learning experiences. At four years old and only a quarter of a year of training under her saddle, rides are still very exciting for her, and you must constantly be prepared for her to make a sudden move to the side.
You may have envisioned a quieter evening, but this is the perfect opportunity to practice with your mare. Your friend's experienced gelding is relaxed, you have plenty of time today, and you understand the importance of young horses learning to handle new situations early on. What they learn in their youth saves you from having to teach them later on.
And here, it's not about high-level lessons, but rather about getting to know everyday situations and reacting calmly. Young horses usually benefit from having a calm older horse with them, which they can orient themselves towards.
You can also tell that your mare is less agitated. Usually, she constantly kicks, starts to prance quickly, and is skittish when alone in the field. This time is different: she takes a more relaxed step, and you can even occasionally give her the reins without fearing she might suddenly bolt or jump to the side at the slightest uncertainty.
Such rides give young horses a lot of confidence and security, often resulting in them being more relaxed on the next ride and eventually becoming skilled and composed to be ridden on a loose rein.
Would you like to learn more about how horses react to stressful situations, how their flight instinct manifests, and how we as owners can make stress more manageable for our horses? Horses react differently to various stressors and exhibit individual behaviors. Download our new e-book with a comprehensive guide on stress symptoms now for valuable insights!