Do you remember what your aunt said, when you were younger? “You have grown so tall!” Probably she was right. You just didn’t notice it, because you saw yourself in the mirror every day. It’s the same with our horses: We often don’t recognize small changes when they occur over time. The coat gets a little duller. The ribs show more clearly. And you never notice something is different, because you visit the barn every day to see you horse. The changes are so subtle, you can’t make them out from one day to another. Then you look at a picture that was taken two months ago at a show. And you are totally shocked: Your horse doesn’t look well at all when you compare the picture to his current appearance.

The horse’s stomach is a sensitive organ: Stomach ulcers can develop quickly and unnoticed.
There is a very real possibility your horse is suffering from some kind of stomach condition. These can be sneaky, developing slowly without anyone noticing. The symptoms can easily be explained away, when you look at them individually without seeing the big picture. However, a sick stomach can have severe consequences. Our new customer can tell a story about it: “Two years ago, I got myself a hot-blooded 4-year-old Hannoveraner who started to crib while weaning, but who seemed fine while being out on the pasture a lot.”
After a while, the horse started to colic and even needed to stay at hospital. His rider draws a sad conclusion: “He has so much fun at work and he is very talented. But his damaged stomach hurts him so much that he can’t do anything else than standing around on the pasture. Which he obviously finds terribly boring.”
We cross fingers that our Equine 74 helps ease his pains. It worked fine for other horses, after all. Many competition riders tell as so, one of them being the young Egyptian star-rider Nayel Nassar. According to him, his mare looked so striking at the show that people didn’t recognize her any more.
Well, this shows that true beauty comes from the inside – and has a lot to do with health and well-being. Do you want to know why the showjumping champion is convinced of your supplement and which horses he feeds it with much success? You’ll know it after reading the following interview.
Nayel Nassar: “When using Equine 74 Gastric, there is always an improvement”
Egypt’s Nayel Nassar is a young, but very knowledgeable rider and at the age of only 22 he already attended his first FEI World Cup Final. Now, at 25-years-old, he is one of Egypt’s leading showjumpers and runs his own showjumping stable in the United States, California.
For the last eight months, Nassar has been using Equine 74 Gastric on several of his sport horses.“I am a big fan! I am lucky to have had the chance to try Equine 74 Gastric on my horses.”
Nassar learned about Equine 74 Gastric through Georges Zeidan. The US Distributor of Equine 74 Gastric is based in Columbus and he encouraged him to give it a try. " I also read some of the testimonials on World of Sowjumping, and I totally believed in the product. I think it is a good sign if not just representatives of the brand, but also top riders and trainers who actually use the product say that the product works.”
Nayel decided to try Equine 74 Gastric on a couple of his horses that he felt could benefit from it. "Currently I have all my mares on it, because they can sometimes have a little more stress at shows and have a little temperament. I also tried Equine 74 Gastric on some other horses I thought could suffer from stress.”

On one mare in particular, the difference was huge: “When I got her, she was skinny and had such a bad coat. After putting her on Equine 74 Gastric for six weeks, she looked so different that people would not even recognize her anymore at the shows.”
And that is not the only major difference Equine 74 Gastric has made on Nayel’s horses. “I also have one younger horse that I feed Equine 74 Gastric to. He can get really stressed, and always had some kinds of stomach problems. Hence, he had trouble to put on weight and muscle – but since I started to use Equine 74 Gastric the improvement is incredible. It has such a big effect on him, and he is a much happier horse now.”
Nassar emphasises how easy it is to feed Equine 74 Gastric. “I really like the pellets, and how this works. I just give it to them in the feed and the horses are always happy to eat it.”
Equine 74 Gastric also helps Nayel Nassar’s horses to get the best out of their food and in such a way benefit better from their training. "The horse digest their food better, and get all the nutrition out of it. Besides, my horses start to travel better and are more relaxed. In return, the work I do with my horses now is much better. It still takes a couple of weeks before you see the difference, but generally there is always an improvement with Equine 74 Gastric.”
Want to know more?
On our topic page you will find a lot more information and links on the topic of gastric ulcers in horses. The possibilities for the prevention of gastric ulcers in horses are also described here.
Stomach ulcers in horses - Presentation of the most important facts and information about symptoms, causes and prevention of stomach ulcers in horses.