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Wheat bran for horses with digestive problems

Tanja Dietz


2 Min. Lesezeit

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Wheat bran is a palatable by-product of flour production. Unlike wheat, wheat bran contains little starch (approx. 17 %) and a lot of crude fibre (just under 15 %, hemicelulose, cellulose and pectin), as it consists largely of the hulls, the aleurone layer and the germ of the wheat grain. With approx. 16 %, wheat bran contains more protein than cereals, but the quality or usability is rather moderate, which makes it suitable for horses that have to be fed a low-protein diet.


Secure a free feed sample of Equine 74 Gastric and help your horse to buffer  excess stomach acid, so it feels well again.

When feeding wheat bran, pay attention to calcium!


Bran is rich in minerals, trace elements and vitamins. It has a high magnesium content as well as a high phosphorus content, which makes the calcium:phosphorus ratio in bran poor. Therefore, the bran should either be enriched with feed lime or a mineral feed with a higher calcium content should be fed to compensate. Wheat bran is therefore also well suited in combination with Equine 74 Gastric!

Storing wheat bran


Since wheat bran has a high swelling capacity and attracts water easily, it should be stored in a dry place to prevent spoilage. Bran is usually fed moist as a mash (usually then as a mash with linseed and/or dried shavings etc.).


Due to the high moisture content in the mash, wheat bran has a digestive and slightly laxative effect, which is why it should not be fed to horses with diarrhoea. Since bran has a positive effect on intestinal activity, bran is a good digestive stimulant and is therefore suitable for horses that have problems with constipation. Bran is also generally well suited for stomach patients and can be used without problems due to its high crude fibre and low starch content.

How much wheat bran should be fed?


Wheat bran should mainly be fed as a cure or once or twice a week (300-600 g), as it can have negative effects on the intestinal flora due to its laxative effect if it is fed too frequently. 


Mash made from wheat bran is also well suited to support the horse's intestines in laminitis patients, as it removes the harmful substances from the horse's intestines.

Equine 74 Gastric

The long-term solution

Buffers the excess acid in the horse's stomach instead of blocking it.

Equine 74 Stomach Calm Relax

In case of acute stress

Supports the nervous horse stomach in stressful situations.