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Red seaweed for horses

Tanja Dietz


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Red seaweed for horses

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Lithothamnion Glaciale is a superfood! A power plant! A true mineral bomb! In both humans and animals, it helps for healthy functioning of digestive enzymes, as well as bone and teeth maintenance. For horses with stomach problems, it is invaluable because it is easily absorbed and acts as a natural stomach acid buffer.


Secure a free feed sample of Equine 74 Gastric and help your horse to buffer  excess stomach acid, so it feels well again.


Red seaweed or red seaweed is widely used in equine supplements. You will find seaweed meal, the dried pulverized version, more often than the fresh variety. But what is actually the effect of red seaweed, on the horse's stomach, among other things? Are there differences in quality and what should you look for when buying supplements with red seaweed? Because just as there are different types of seaweed, there are different types of red seaweed. These different types of red seaweed are definitely not all the same. For example, the action of one red seaweed species is often completely different than that of a red seaweed variety.

What is red seaweed?

Seaweeds are divided into green, brown, red and blue seaweeds. The last group does not actually belong to seaweeds; they are bacteria. Because seaweeds are photosynthetic, their color depends on their location in the water and the amount of sunlight they receive. At the top you will find the green algae, then the brown algae and below that the red algae. Seaweeds use photosynthesis to produce energy and carbohydrates.

The classification of seaweeds by color is related to the color of the photosynthetic substance present in the highest concentration. For example, red seaweeds obtain their typical color because they grow at much deeper layers of the sea floor, where blue and purple wavelengths can still penetrate.


Red seaweed for horses

What are the main constituents of red seaweed?


Red seaweed is particularly rich in amino acids, trace elements and minerals. Due to their high nutrient and vital substance content, they are extremely suitable as an easily digestible supplement to horse feed. Calcium from red seaweed is more accessible to horses than calcium from limestone, for example, while limestone is often used as an inexpensive source of calcium in animal feed.

Calcium plays an important role in stomach ulcers, as a natural stomach acid binder it is able to buffer the already present stomach acid. Equine74's product contains Lithothamnion Glacial Algae, processed for the needs of horses, with specially treated magnesium oxide. The unique blend of these ingredients contributes stomach acid buffering properties, designed to provide up to eight hours of relief in the horse's stomach.

In addition, red seaweed or red seaweed meal is rich in iron, potassium, copper, magnesium, manganese, prophyran, zinc and vitamins A, B complex, C, E and K.

Superfood red seaweed - benefits in horse nutrition

Natural algal calcium, a perfect source of calcium

Seaweed naturally contains high levels of calcium. Red seaweed, also called red algae (Rhodophyta) contains a lot of algal calcium. This algal calcium from the red alga Lithothamnium Glaciale is a high-quality, plant-based fortifier. This is because it can bind minerals and trace elements from the seawater and then concentrate them. Thus, this red seaweed algae lime contains about 80% of calcium carbonate, as well as magnesium carbonate and trace elements.

Calcium neutralizes excess stomach acid


The main component of algal calcium, calcium carbonate, is part of the acid-binding group of active ingredients. It has a pH-stabilizing effect. However, the origin of calcium can be different: the bound form is found, for example, in inorganic sources (gypsum, limestone, and chalk) or in mineral substances. This source of calcium is often used by manufacturers because it is cheaper. During a complex forming process, using numerous chemicals, the calcium carbonate is extracted.


Calcium from a special red seaweed


The calcium source of Equine 74 Gastric finds its unique, natural origin in the form of a red seaweed. Growing off the Icelandic coast, Lithothamnium Glaciale is also used in the human food industry. It is a small calcareous alga that crystallizes calcium, magnesium, iron and trace elements from seawater, among other things. In humans, it is used for the healthy functioning of digestive enzymes, as well as for the maintenance of bones and teeth. It is also used in horses for digestive complaints, such as stomach ulcers. The calcium of this alga can be broken down to the smallest atomic form in the stomach through a reaction with stomach acids.

Lithothamnium Glaciale is a collaboration of 74 marine minerals. All in a highly absorbable or bioactive form. The main ingredient, calcium carbonate, is good for normal acidity in the stomach and provides a good acid-base balance. It has an open, porous structure that allows it to hydrate well. This composition makes it extremely bioavailable and easily absorbed by the horse's organism.

Red seaweed for horses


Not all red algae are the same

Often one seaweed is unfairly compared to another, without considering aspects such as origin, the growth process, method of harvesting, not to mention processing.

With most providers and sellers of red seaweed supplements, you will not find any background information on these important elements. So you won't know if you're taking in a good quality red seaweed or sea algae meal. What to look out for when buying supplements with red seaweed for your horse read here.


Growing process

There are also big differences among red seaweeds. Not all red seaweeds, also known as red algae, are the same. The red seaweed used by Equine 74 Gastric is very small and houses at a depth of about 30 meters on a sandy sea floor. It binds minerals, especially calcium, from the seawater. The red seaweed grows only 1 mm per year, therefore there is plenty of time during the growth phase to store minerals.

After the growth phase, the red-violet seaweed sinks to the sea floor, leaving behind its skeletal remains. These calcified remains, which consist of 30% calcium, can be harvested throughout the year. There are also other types of red seaweed, such as Lithothamnion Calcareum, which do not have the specific growth process and unique composition as the Lithothamnion Glaciale. Consequently, most "red seaweed manufacturers" work with these faster growing and therefore cheaper varieties, resulting in reduced efficacy.


The growing region determines the content and quality of red seaweed

Red seaweed is found only in a few places worldwide, for example on the coast of France, New Zealand and Iceland. The mineral composition of red seaweed is influenced by the region where it grows. The harvesting area of Equine74 is in northern Iceland, one of the least stressed regions of the world's oceans. The acid-binding capacity of this red seaweed is 5x stronger than Lithothamnion from Brazil, France or Norway. The cheaper varieties of red seaweed (extract) that you will find on the market are usually from Brazil. These are considerably lower in quality.

And for those concerned about climate change, there is good news, warming sea water benefits Lithothamnion Glaciale by shortening the annual period when sea temperatures around 0°C prevent growth.

Bélanger D, Gagnon P. Spatiotemporal Variability in Subarctic Lithothamnion glacial Rhodolith Bed Structural Complexity and Macrofaunal Diversity.Diversity. 2023; 15(6):774. https://doi.org/10.3390/d15060774


Red seaweed for horses


Equine 74 - meets maximum / highest achievable quality standards


Our quality is no accident! Samples are taken directly on board, after drying on land and before grinding and mixing, and are regularly tested by independent, certified laboratories. In terms of quality, product characteristics and processing, Equine 74 Gastric is at the quality level required for human consumption and therefore meets the highest standards. Moreover, only our partner company is allowed to harvest the red seaweed in Iceland.

Only Equine 74 Gastric, in its special processing and composition, has the effect proven in a scientific study. Other products that also mix red seaweed do not have this composition and are not manufactured according to the special mixing and production process.


Scientific studies prove effect of Equine 74 Gastric

A recent scientific field study by Citruslabs found that the products improve gastrointestinal health and reduce stress-related behaviors. Statistical analysis indicated a significant improvement in the severity and frequency of gastrointestinal problems and a reduction in the need for veterinary treatment. The score: 90.6% alleviation of ulcer associated symptoms and 80.6% less nervous behavior in horses. You can read more here!


Red seaweed for horses


In 2014, scientific laboratory research already demonstrated the positive effects of Equine 74 Gastric. Scientists Moore, O`Gorman and Wakefield added HCL to different feed rations, in the presence of pepsin, as part of an in vitro study. Several pH levels were observed prior to the addition.

Scientific Studies on Stomach Ulcers in Horses: An In-Depth Analysis (equine74.com) the measurements were taken after 1, 2 and 4 hours. After addition of Equine 74 Gastric, it could be determined that in all cases the pH level had increased, implying that the same thing happens in the horse's stomach - i.e. stomach acid is neutralized by Equine 74 Gastric. In addition, a buffering effect on digestion of the small intestine was observed and a slight stimulation of digestion of the large intestine. You can read the full study here.

Equine 74 Gastric

The long-term solution

Buffers the excess acid in the horse's stomach instead of blocking it.

Equine 74 Stomach Calm Relax

In case of acute stress

Supports the nervous horse stomach in stressful situations.